Take the Quiz: What Kind of Mermaid Are You?
From doer to dreamer, uncover the intent the Universe has for you today by discovering your Mermaid spirit animal with a digital card pull from my WAVES Oracle Deck! First, let’s get into the right mentality for an Oracle card pull. Set your intention for this experience. Do not worry about changing your current mood. Be present in all the messy-ness of your day. You are in full acceptance of who you are and where you’re at in this moment. Take a few breathes send a feeling to the Universe. What answers are you seeking right now?
Once you have your intention for this Oracle card pull you may begin taking the quiz below!
Make sure to enter your email at the end of the quiz so you can have a digital copy of your card sent to you. You can set it as the wallpaper on your phone to have the reminder with you always, and share to your Instastories or TikTok too! Don’t forget to tag me so I can repost for the community! If you’re feeling extra creative today, search “GEDINA” for a fun GIPHY sticker to add to your Instagram post!
Ready to experience an Oracle card reading in real life? Order your very own WAVES oracle card deck and be led by your own, inner, divine intuition and the Universe whenever you desire a transformation, mentality shift, answer or moment of self care to re-center your mind and and quiet your soul. Feel the cards, heavy and soft in your hands. Their gilded edges shimmering in the soft light around you. The satin finish of the card’s surface, reassuring and calming to the touch. Close your eyes. Allow your mind to show you your intention without judgement. Simply observe and accept fully and without hesitation. Click HERE to learn how to give yourself an Oracle card reading. Discover more about the Mermaid Mentality HERE and then join the community of over 10,000 (and growing!). Tap into the flow within, and by doing so, access an ocean of possibilities in the world around you.
How to Give Yourself An Oracle Card Reading
Doing a daily oracle card reading can sharpen your intuition, awaken your energy and give clarity for decision making. Learn how in 10 minutes!
When Should I Use An Oracle Deck?
Performing an Oracle card pull is perfect for when you desire a significant energy shift and seek to clarify a thought, feeling or mood, and set an intention. They will oftentimes be used as part of a morning routine to set the tone for an entire day or for gaining insight into a specific situation. Doing an Oracle card pull can be an easy first step for getting into flow if you feel the connection between self, soul and reality is not aligned.
Many times we forget that we are the key to controlling, shifting and moving our own energy, and that the flow is always within. An oracle deck acts as a doorway through which to allow the Universe to gently remind and realign us with our purpose.
Oracle cards are a wonderful way to align with peace and rest and gain control both mentally, spiritually and physically, over our reality.
Remember that the Universe is always there for you. Not the other way around. It simply mirrors back to you what you give it. If you surrender to the natural, energetic flow within, you will be mirrored back that which you seek.
A commonly asked question for beginner Oracle card users is, “Can anyone buy, read and use Oracle cards?” And the answer is YES! You do not need to have any previous training or knowlege of Oracle cards to begin using them or doing your own readings or readings for anyone else. Since doing a pull is intuition driven you will experience deeper and more meaningful readings the more you engage in the practice.
Preparing Yourself for an Oracle Card Pull and Oracle Card Basics for Beginners:
Setting an intention of abundance, calmness, peace, surrender, joy, happiness, or other thought that aligns with your desires will put you in the right mood to receive your answer. While the Oracle cards themselves will assist in shifting your energy you can open the portal to total alignment faster and more effectively with a simple exercise to move the energy in your body and begin physically flowing.
50 Ways to Begin Moving the Energy in Your Body
Breathe work
Letting go of resentment
Shaking your arms and hands loose
Jumping on a trampoline
Breathing in natural scents like essential oils or flowers
Experiencing temperature changes such as the warmth from the sun, vs. the coolness of being indoors.
Taking an ice bath or hot shower
Roller skating
Running your fingers through the fur of a pet
Placing your hands, palm down, into grass and experiencing the earth
Jumping jacks
Singing or humming out loud
Create something (artwork, food, music)
Submerging your hands in something (safe!) you’ve never touched before.
Holding an Oracle card deck in your hands and allow their big energy to pull you into flow.
Changing food or content consumption (Sign out of your social media apps or turn off your phone for an hour).
Gently running your hands down the trunk of a tree to feel the rough bark
Eliminating stress through gratitude and positivity mantras.
Do a handstand (enlist a wall or a friend for support!)
Verbally declaring out loud that you FORGIVE yourself
Verbally declaring out loud that you LOVE yourself
Verbally declaring out loud that you APPRECIATE yourself
Painting and coloring
Riding a bike
Submerging your toes in wet sand
Giving yourself (or someone else) a tight hug
Laying outside and look up at the clouds
Planting flowers or a trees either outside or in pots
Walking around your neighborhood or nearby park or beach and picking up trash to dispose of
Horse back riding
Cleaning your space (home, closet, bathroom, office, car)
Removing objects around you that make you feel less than energetic.
Moving your torso and digestive organs by doing some crunches.
Holding shells, stones or crystals in your hands and feeling the weight and texture.
Reaching your arms as high above your head as you can!
Shifting your current mentality [link to “What is A Mermaid Mentality?” article]
Turning off electric lights and burning your favorite candles, enjoying the warm, natural glow of the natural element of fire.
“Stop viewing energy as an outward force to be attracted and focus instead on RELEASING pent up energy already within.”
What’s the Difference Between Oracle Cards and Tarot Cards?
Tarot card readings are considered a more structured experience, while Oracle cards tap deeply into the idea of intuition and being in flow. You’ll see Tarot decks typically have 78 cards, while Oracle decks can feature anywhere between 12 and 100 cards. Oracle cards encompass a full range of emotions and encourage leaning on intuition as well as producing advice and guidance, while Tarot cards usually have a very specific theme such as “Affirmations,” “Occult,” “Sacred Geometry,” or “Surrealism” and are usually consulted for a niche reason, such as asking a yes or no question or having to do with the specific theme of that particular deck of cards
Oracle cards hold space for massive emotion, deep diving into the mentality side of your energy with a lot of potential to answer in-depth queries, and can have many interpretations of the answer that’s pulled based on the intuition you allow your body and mind to experience in the moment, or as you attach it to a specific event or desire in your life.
5 Times It’s a Good Idea to do an Oracle Card pull:
When you seek an energy shift upon waking up in the morning or from a nap.
Before going to sleep to direct your dreams or reach a deep level of peace.
When you want answers for a specific question.
Before choosing a course of action for a big life decision.
When you’re in a playful mood and desire to connect and have some one-on-one time with yourself!
How to do an oracle card reading on yourself:
Since oracle cards hold a mega amount of energy you want to make sure they’re stored in a private place that’s meaningful to you. This can be in a box, in the drawer of your beside table, on a shelf next to your favorite books or crystals. If your kitchen is the place you feel most like yourself, keep them there on a window sill next to an herb plant where they can also enjoy the energy of the sun. Wherever makes sense for YOU and feels sacred.
Create a practice of regularly pulling an Oracle card for different types of situations and circumstances. When you’re feeling inquisitive, when you desire answers, when you’re seeking advice. Get in the habit of doing a simple card pull any time, any place, for any reason, whenever it feels right for you. Choose a quiet space, away from distractions such as work or your phone. Turn off the TV, close your laptop, light a candle, sit down… Make a safe space for yourself.
Don’t think too hard about what card you will pull. Go with your immediate, gut instinct. Don’t over think it. It can and will take time to build self-trust and sharpen your intuition, and doing regular card pulls will assist in strengthening that part of your true nature.
Before you pull your card get abundantly clear in your mind on what you want guidance on and keep that intention glued to the front of your cerebral cortex. Being extremely clear assists the Universe in brining you the right answer and guides your hands to draw the perfect card for that moment.
Consider holding the cards for a moment before choosing. Spread them out if you feel like it. Shuffle them. Cut the deck. Shuffle again. Hold the deck between your palms and send feelings of gratitude into your palms. These are all ways you can give yourself space and slow down any sense of urgency you have to ensure you’re crystal clear on your desires before drawing your card.
Understanding Your Oracle Card Reading:
One of the special things about Oracle cards is (unlike Tarot cards) you don’t need to memorize the meanings of a bunch of different symbols and images to receive and understand the card and glean your answer immediately.
There are many ways a card can be interpreted, and the best thing about an Oracle reading is that the same card may have different meanings to you at different times on different days. Even if there are only a few cards in your deck you have unlimited ways to read and receive answers from each card.
Remember what your intent was before drawing the card. Feel out parallels with the question and then the answer you received.
Sometime you may choose to sit with the answer for a few minutes, hours or even days to allow any mindset blocks to clear themselves from your mental space and see the meaning clearly.
The number one thing to remember is not to judge yourself for the outcome of the reading, and realize no matter what, you did draw the correct card for that moment.
Have fun with it! Be open and vulnerable to a message from your inner Oracle that might not be immediately obvious!
Ready to receive a mini Oracle card reading today? Take the QUIZ [link to quiz] and discover your message from the Universe today with a digital card pull, then snag the WAVES Energy Shifting Oracle Card Deck [link to Oracle Deck] for yourself and enjoy the daily benefits of sharpening your intuition, deepening your relationship with yourself, and shifting into flow whenever you desire!